MichBio Committees are member-only groups that aid in the planning of sector- or topic-specific strategies for driving bio-industry growth in Michigan.


This committee represents all areas of AgBio, Industrial and Environmental Biotech.

BioTech & Pharma

This committee represents all areas of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and therapeutics.


MichBio BioTech and Pharma committee is generously supported by Corium.

Cannabis Science

This committee represents all areas of cannabis education, product development, and testing.

Digital Health

This committee represents all areas of Health IT, Informatics, and Digital Health Technologies.

Diversity Network

This group is focused on furthering diversity and inclusion initiatives within the industry.

IP & Legal Affairs

This committee represents all areas of legal and IP services related to the bio-industry.


This committee represents all areas of medical products and equipment development, manufacturing, supply, and testing.

in2being logo

MichBio MedTech committee is generously supported by in2being.

Patient Advocate

This group is focused on connecting the Michigan life sciences with the patient and patient advocate community in the state to better align our efforts with patient needs.

Workforce & Education

This group is focused on identifying and addressing talent and education challenges in Michigan's bio-industry.