Phenomics Health Validates Patented Technology Following Seed Financing Personalized Medicine for Medication Selection and Monitoring

Plymouth, MI – September 22, 2021 – Phenomics Health Inc., a platform bioinformatics-based precision medicine company, today announced completion of clinical product development and validation for its PrecīsMed™ pharmacometabolomics (PMx) technology in its new CLIA laboratory located at the Michigan Life Science and Innovation Center. The company’s laboratory operations, validation, as well as ongoing research and product development, have been funded with seed financing through experienced healthcare investors.

PrecīsMed utilizes patented mass spectrometry-based technology to identify and quantify >230 drugs in a patient’s circulation to monitor drug adherence, provide an accurate reconciliation of actual medications taken, guide dose-tailoring, identify harmful drug-drug interactions, avoid adverse drug reactions, identify non-prescribed medications, and assess patient drug adherence. The patented PrecīsMed™ pharmacometabolomics (PMx) technology has been utilized in over 10,000 patients in the U.S.

“PrecīsMed results can personalize medical treatment by integrating medications measured in a patient’s circulation with how genetic and non-genetic variants impact a patient’s ability to process those medications, together with periodic monitoring of patient drug adherence and health outcomes,” said Pamela Weir, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Phenomics Health.

Phenomics Health has also secured exclusive worldwide license to multiple issued and pending patents covering advanced pharmacogenomics (PGx) technology that utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning to predict drug response phenotypes for individual patients based on their genetic, biological, clinical, sociological, and environmental characteristics. The advanced PGx technology and products focus on variants in the non-coding regulatory domain of the human genome consisting of spatial, temporal, and mechanical regulatory mechanisms of gene regulation.

The PrecīsMed and advanced PGx technology can be used to assess a patient’s total medication burden and therapeutic range, identify enhanced drug efficacy, detect potential adverse drug reactions, drug-drug interactions (DDIs), and provide therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). “Combining increased pharmacogenomic predictability with precision drug pharmacometabolomic measurement provides the means to effectively manage drug polypharmacy, identify specific medications to deprescribe, and the ability to monitor patient drug adherence and outcomes from more precise and informed prescribing,” said James S. Burns, Chairman and President of Phenomics Health.


About Phenomics Health

Phenomics Health Inc. (PHI) is a platform bioinformatics-based precision medicine company using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to translate advanced genetic, epigenetic, multi-omics, and health big data into novel pharmacological clinical decision support products. Phenomics is focused on the emerging fields of pharmacoepigenomics and pharmacophenomics, incorporating genetic, epigenetic, panomic, pharmacometabolomics, systems and network biology, sociomics, electronic health record (EHR), and other clinically relevant patient data. Phenomics technology is based on an expanded paradigm of gene regulation in which the regulatory and spatial genome networks play a prominent role. Networks containing disease risk, drug response, and adverse event variants form the foundation for Phenomics Health’s development of novel pharmacogenomic clinical treatment decision support products. For more information about Phenomics Health Inc. visit


About PrecīsMedTM

The Phenomics Health patented PrecīsMed pharmacometabolomic technology can identify and quantify >230 drugs in a patient’s circulation to monitor drug adherence, provide an accurate reconciliation of actual medications taken, guide dose-tailoring, identify harmful drug-drug interactions, and avoid adverse drug reactions. Pharmacometabolomic information will help clinicians personalize drug therapy by determining what medications and dose a patient is actually taking (whether prescribed or not), drug-drug interactions, and how genetics impact a patient’s ability to process those medications. PrecīsMed products will be marketed directly by Phenomics Health and through licensees to identify medications used in treating multiple patient disorders. A patient’s blood sample is obtained and analyzed using patented methods, algorithms, and data analytics to identify and measure medications in a patient’s circulation. PrecīsMed products are covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and some commercial payors.


For additional information, please contact:

Pamela Weir

Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

Phenomics Health Inc.


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