The BioConnections Career Center is a bio-industry specific career services center - whether you're looking for a job, in-transition, or looking to hire - MichBio can help.



MichBio's Job Board

Michigan's bio-industry has a mix of small companies and large, multi-national organizations in six life science sectors - Agri-bioscience, R&D/Testing, Logistics, Medical Devices, Pharma, and Informatics/Health IT.

The MichBio Job Board is the only job board in the state that is exclusive to bio-industry positions. New positions are added often.

New to the State?

If you are thinking about relocating to Michigan, or you or your spouse have already done so, and you need to get acquainted with the industry before settling or beginning your job search, reach out to us.

As the state-wide bio-industry association, MichBio staff is well informed about the companies or cities within the state that are expanding or looking for specific skill sets that may be scarce in current residents and can help guide you as you get to know the state.

In-Transition Bio-Industry Leaders

Bio-industry leaders - C-Suite, Senior Leadership, etc - who are looking to make a change in their career with a new company should reach out to us.

MichBio is often a go-to place for young companies looking for to hire their first CEO, or for established brands seeking proven expertise, and may be able to pair you with a lesser-known opportunity that matches your skill set.


MichBio's Job Board

Post your open bio-industry position to the MichBio Job Board. This is the only job board in the state that is exclusive to bio-industry positions and is where MichBio directs any individuals seeking employment, often to specific posts that match their skill set.

Job postings are available to any organization, in any sector of the bio-industry for any position regardless of level.

Members Receive Free Posts

MichBio members receive an annual allotment of free postings based on their membership level or organization size. Nonmembers are asked to pay a fee for all postings.

Internships - Members or Nonmembers

All internships may be posted for free on the MichBio Job Board. Be sure to include "Internship" in the title of the post.

Nonmember Posts
Emerging Member - One Annual
1-5 Employee Membership - Two Annual
6-19 Employee Membership - Three Annual
20-49 Employee Membership - Four Annual
50-99 Employee Membership - Six Annual
100-249 Employee Membership - Eight Annual
250-499 Employee Membership - Ten Annual
500+ Employee Membership - Fifteen Annual
Patron Premium Member - Twenty-Five Annual
Bronze, Silver & Gold Premium Memberships - Unlimited
Additional Member Postings

Once free allotment based on member type or organization size is used up, all additional postings will be available for a discounted fee.
