MichBio just returned from a timely, two-day Capitol Hill Fly-in held under the auspices of the AdvaMed State Medical Technology Alliance (SMTA). The SMTA is a consortium of state and regional trade associations representing their local medical technology companies and clusters. The group’s mission is to collectively support the medical technology industry on the local, state and national levels by fostering a collaborative environment through sharing of best practices, promoting the industry, and advocating for public policies that support innovation and economic impact.
Stryker government affairs director, Desiree Mowry, joined in the meetings with legislators and staff of Michigan’s congressional delegation. MichBio is grateful to Stryker’s continued engagement with our mission and advocacy efforts.
Top of mind during the discussions were several critical policy issues including the potential impact of tariffs on medical product supply chains, manufacturing costs and patient access; need for a legislative solution to Transitional Coverage for Emerging Technologies Pathway; funding cuts at NIH and reductions in workforce at the FDA/CDRH; reauthorization of SBIR/STTR funding; and other challenges worrying our medtech companies.
Many thanks to the offices that hosted us and took time to engage in meaningful dialog: Senators Peters and Slotkin, Reps. Barrett, Bergman, Dingell, Huizenga, James, McDonald Rivet, Scholten, Stevens, Thanedar and Walberg. Staff were well versed on the issues, understood the ramifications for innovation and business operations, but recognized the current state of political turmoil in the Administration’s early days, a need to forestall a government shutdown two weeks hence, and an overarching priority for a reconciliation package to extend tax cuts.
Our appreciation goes out to AdvaMed as well, especially Bobby Patrick, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs and Roxy Kozyckyj, Senior Director for State Government & Regional Affairs, for organizing the Fly-In. Many thanks to CEO Scott Whitaker and his team for addressing the SMTA participants with a policy briefing and perspectives on Capitol Hill and Administration machinations.
MichBio will visit Capitol Hill again in early April for annual BIO CSBA Fly-In to discuss biopharma matters; joining will be representatives from several Michigan based companies. In addition, we will host a Capitol Hill Breakfast Reception on April 2 for legislators, staff and colleagues from MichBio member organizations.